21 November 2008


Finals. Finals started last week and go until three days before Christmas. How is this possible, you ask? Because I go to a school with arbitrary semesters. Seriously. I have no idea why I have 6 weeks of finals. But, I do. Hence, there will not be much to post until my papers are complete and I actually have something to post.

So, an interlude.

Thoughts? Did you cringe? Did you laugh? Both?

HT: Elizaphanian


Dave Sandell said...

So... we have a great church, right? Most of the things I just saw we don't do... but the ones that we do... completely cringe-worthy.

The next staff meeting, we might have to talk about newcomers packets.

Ryann said...

As one with behind-the-counter experience (literally, the coffee counter), I also noticed how cringe-worthy the Christianese was. I'm becoming more aware of how much we say in church is a foreign language elsewhere.