22 September 2006


Yes, I splurged. This is a rare occurrence for me. I bought a pair of corduroys not on sale. Shock! Ok, I actually have to take that back. There was a special on corduroys, $10 off, or something like that. But still, they were not on the sale rack.

And, I purchased two new cd's. KT Tunstall's Eye to the Telescope and Madeleine Peyroux's Half the Perfect World. Both are excellent.

I got fingerprinted for the second time today. (For work)
Apparently I smudged the first set.
Also got my second rejection from the Agency. I'm on a roll.

Oh yeah, ABC is in Spanish again. But only for the shows, not for the commercials. I did understand more of Grey's Anatomy than I thought I would.

Best news this week: Edinburgh verbally accepted my application. Waiting for an official letter once I get the application packet in the mail. Of course, this all depends on scholarship funding, which ultimately all depends on Him.

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