11 September 2006

God is Good (All the Time)

In my groggy state of waking-up (late) this morning, I managed to mumble a prayer to the following effect:

Father, I know You've blessed me with this job. I am grateful for it; help me to appreciate where You've placed me and be mindful of Your purposes while I am here. Help me to not see this as 'just a job for a year,' but as part of Your plan for my life, and for those around me. Thank You for the people in my office. Help me to be a Christ-like example in my daily interactions with them, and maybe even share the gospel of Your Grace with whomever You have called. Help me to use this job as an opportunity to share You with those around me.

I arrived late (due in large part to my 9:15 Theory, which I will explain to anyone who really wants to know). My boss, who was at The Building five years ago today, was not expected in the office today. So, I wasn't really sure what to do with myself for a whole 9 hours. I knew there was a memorial service and planned on attending with a co-worker, not really knowing what to expect. I'd been told military chaplains tend to be ecumenical, a little too PC and certainly not vocal about any evangelical positions.

This was not to be the case this morning, "for where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Certainly, the organizers of the service attempted to offer a multi-faith service. There was the Muslim representative for the invocation; the Jewish reading/singing of Psalm 23. And even the chief of chaplains delivering the message tamely referred only to "God."
But, someone at the chaplain's office invited Selah to provide "uplifting music" for the service, and any if anyone thought they'd come to have a nice quiet time of remembrance, they were wrong. I'm the first to admit I was skeptical about Selah... I find most Christian music cheesy and in poor musical taste. (There are exceptions to the rule and I do like Selah's worship songs).

However, I still did not expect a full-on Worship Hour. Certainly not here. Really? You've come here? But He did, and He had work to do. I found myself scanning the room, just saying Amen, Amen, Amen. And here I stood, after praying that prayer just a few hours before, witnessing His Spirit moving. I felt His presence, His peace, and His healing power at work in that place.

I am humbled by our great King. That He would fill my cup so that I might share with others... that is truly a gracious mystery.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your office prayer. I just used it, after coming home a little cranky about something (relatively trivial) from my own day. May He be glorified through us.


Ryann said...

Yea! Rob is posting. :) Glad to be of help.