30 September 2006

bare feet

Seems to be a theme but this has nothing to do with my last post. Just a poem I thought I'd share.

There is a jubilee

Tambourines; colors flying

Singing, shouting, dancing.

I have never seen such joyful faces.

They have come to dance undignified.

Swinging, jumping, laughing.

And no one, young or old, tires.

Water springs in beat with music.

All the colors bleed into one.

My feet have begun the Dance.

I look down and watch them,

Skipping along the golden path.

And then you whisper to me,

Yes, my child, you may dance barefoot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of King David dancing before the Lord! (II Sam. 6:14-23).

His wife Michal despised him for it, which seems sad (though it also seems she had her own share of grief in life -- II Sam. 3:14-16).