25 July 2006

By Candlelight

I got ready this morning by candlelight. The power to our entire block went out just as I was waking up, around 4:15am. I noticed how peaceful it was, although it was a bit awkward finding my clothes in the dark (and hoping I'd put them on right-side out).
There is so much in my life that is above and beyond my control right now. My job situation, needed car repairs, and feeling like I'm always scraping by to make ends meet. But there in the dark this morning, I remembered how lucky I am. I'm here, I really and truly like my life right now. I love where I live, I am surrounded by good friends and a loving church family. I am truly blessed, above and beyond. And I'll be ok. My power was out because of a fluke. Not because of bombs, or lack of money or even poor infrastructure. It was such a little thing. To walk to the 'fridge and not have the light go on when I demanded it so. To not have the AC blasting in the background. I take for granted that those things will be there when I need them, never giving a second thought to those who struggle just to eat and live.

I had a conversation with a fellow Illinois alum about a month ago. We were talking about our friends back home...all those who migrated to Chicagoland after graduation, took the 'easy' road in terms of careers (teachers and engineers), and are now living their perfect little lives in houses in the suburbs. There is nothing wrong with that life. They are all good people who love Jesus and serve Him faithfully as best they can. At the time of our conversation, I was quick to judge how easily that could've been me. This morning, I was reminded that still is me. Comfortable. Complacent. Relaxed.

I am grateful for being stretched as of late. I challenged myself to give more of my time, and volunteering at my church has brought great joy. It makes me want more. And that is what I'm learning about Grace these days. The more contact and interaction you have with Grace and the One who gives, the more you want to give in return. Of my money, time, thoughts, etc.

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