05 June 2008

Small graces

Sometimes there are little moments of grace, undeserved "breathers", that just make me smile.

Yesterday afternoon we had thunderstorms and the power went out at work. I left early but spent most of my "free" time in traffic, trying to navigate downed trees.

This morning as I got ready, I thought about the 1000 things I need to do in the next 3 days. I will be in Dallas next week for my denomination's annual assembly (but on work's dime & time), and the following week I will be in a week-long intensive class. In other words, I won't be in the office for 2 full weeks. Of course, the week after that, our international team (read = big bosses) arrive. There are proposals to finish, magazines to design, research to compile, etc. Homework to complete and one last final to take for Spring semester. Books to order and read for the week-long intensive. Laundry. Piles of laundry. Piles of ironing. Cat food to buy so my roommates can feed my cats while I'm gone. Oh, and a hair cut would be nice because the week I get back to work (the week the bosses are in) is right before I leave for a wedding in Orlando.

Remember when summers were LESS busy?

Needless to say, I was pretty much trying to schedule every waking moment from now until my flight leaves at 7am on Monday morning.

And then my boss called this morning. The power is still out at work. Stay home. Check in at noon.

Aaaaahhhhhh. I've done 3 loads of laundry and started packing. My Hebrew homework is getting finished. I registered for class and ordered books. I checked my checking account. Whew. I know I don't do the best job of managing my time. It's nice to know that even slackers like me can catch a break sometimes. I'm grateful for this free morning to "catch up" on life. And even more grateful that I feel like He's giving me motivation to actually accomplish tasks this morning... rather than take a nap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that's a lovely blessing! :) Yay for random power outages, I guess :)